2003-08-28 22:13:49 UTC
On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 14:28:27 +0200, in alt.flame "FJ"
:[...] (The story of James: Out of the FyRE, into the frying pan).
single-ply toilet paper found in a kindergarten shitcan.
Frankly, James, I'm slightly worried that you profess possession of such
intimate knowledge with regards to the furnishings of kindergarten
Spank Jereon mercilessly,
A spank is when people say things like this, James: "This is my last post:[...] (The story of James: Out of the FyRE, into the frying pan).
I gave you a valuable piece of advice.
In which I can casually wipe my ass with as if it were some lowgradesingle-ply toilet paper found in a kindergarten shitcan.
intimate knowledge with regards to the furnishings of kindergarten
there. This is also my last post on Usenet".
and then expect him to predictably shriek
What a truly horrible writer you are, James. "Expect him to predictably[...]". <spit>. Either "Watch him predictably [...]" or "Expect him to
[...]" would have been better. Why must you suck so much?
borrowed pedophile lames from the "Roger Wiseman Book of Latent Pee-wees"
Roger Wiseman didn't have the capacity to do such an eloquent job of it as Ijust did.
in a shoddy bit to divert attention away from his forging and lying.
Ah, the 'forging and lying' gambit again. Tissue, James?It makes one wonder how you pass the little amount of time that
you do not spend moaning about your most unjust treatment here on
alt.flame. do not spend moaning about your most unjust treatment here on
your unfair treatment here.
If the moron contingent were more hospitable, then I'd just be
wasting my time farting out "friendly fire" playground
Why don't you just "fart out friendly fire" with the morons that *are*wasting my time farting out "friendly fire" playground
insults that
typically passes for award winning material here, Mr. Wiseman.
"Insults that passes". The English language just called, James; it wantstypically passes for award winning material here, Mr. Wiseman.
you to cease and desist your abuse.
I sure hope you're not trying to show "Fester" to Toronto's young and
susceptible; that would be a very bad thing for you to do in case you
hadn't understood that before.
Thanks for the unique hits to my website, just stay away from the messagesusceptible; that would be a very bad thing for you to do in case you
hadn't understood that before.
board or I'll have you arrested.
you a message then. "I'll have you arrested". You're such a crybaby,
" stay away from the message board or I'll have you arrested."
- James Koput to me in
" Demon.local doesn;t have to worry about me anymore. [Ed.: They
never did, James.] This is my last post there. This is also my last
post on Usenet. I don't want to be party to a group a vindictive
people. It's not my nature to hurt others [Ed.: You're ill equipped,
James.], I just wanted to have fun. [Ed.: Been masturbating to Cyndi
Lauper, James?] I don't mailbomb and forge.
I'm not a net criminal. [Ed.: *Failed* net criminal would be an apt
description.]", - James Koput, lamenting his life, in